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The Place Makers

             Mr. JAHANZAIB ZAHID                                                                                                                        Mr. ASLAM MALIK                                               MR. LUIS FERNANDEZ - REYES
             Director, FDHL                                                                                                                             Group COO, FDHL                                               CDO, FDHL

             Jahanzaib  Zahid  is  leading  the  management  of  Habib  Rafiq  Private  Limited  (HRL)                                                   Aslam Malik has been working with                             Luis  Fernandez-Reyes  has  over  30
             energy and infrastructure works and also acting as a board member.                                                                         Habib  Rafiq  Private  Limited  (HRL)                          years of experience in Infrastructure
                                                                                                                                                        for  more  than  35  years  leading  all                      and  property  development,  leading
             We have entered the most exciting phase in the history of housing and development                                                          kinds of infrastructure, construction,                        multidiscplinary  energy,  real  estate

             sectors of Pakistan, thanks to our exceptionally hardworking and competent team.                                                           power and energy works for national                           and infrastructure projects in global
             The resounding vote of confidence from our clients has motivated us to deliver top                                                          and  international  clients.  Habib                           markets. Pakistan is renowned for its
             quality products such as Capital Hills and One Capital Residences etc. Our company                                                         Rafiq  Private  Limited  is  one  of  the                      majestic  mountains  and  landscapes
             has  redefined  the  dynamics  of  property  developments,  which  now  serves  as  a                                                       top  contractors  for  building  power                        that  lift  the  soul,  and  for  its
             template for others across the country. Our client’s support and trust is the driving                                                      house  developments,  large  scale                            incredible  culture,  hospitality  and
             force through which we were motivated to create a world class living experience for                                                        infrastructure  works  and  key  high                         warm  people.  The  design  of
             the future residents of these residences.                                                                                                  rise  buildings  throughout  Pakistan.                        Capital  Hills  Community  and  PGA
                                                                                                                                                        Through  FDHL,  we  have  brought                             Standard Golf Course will draw from
                                                                                                                                                        together a unique international team                          the  existing  natural  landscape
                                                                                                                                                        of  consultants  and  designers  to                           features and take advantage of the
                                                                                                                                                        collaborate  with  our  team  on  the                         dramatic  changes  in  site  levels

                                                                                                                                                        development  of  a  unique  hillside                          to  focus  on  beautiful  views  of
                                                                                                                                                        master  plan  vision  for  the  Capital                       surrounding         mountains,        green
                                                                                                                                                        Hills Community.                                              river  corridors,  lakes  and  hillsides.

                                                                                                                                                                                            Capital Hills - A Gated Community designed by DSA Architects International
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