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Passion for Creative

              Architecture Design

              by STEVE KELSHAW

              Managing Director DSA- Dubai

               We  DSA  Architects  International     DSA    Architects   conceptualise,       Office  buildings  are  designed  to
               brings  a  unique  blend  of  creativity,  design,  manage  and  deliver  creative  form  an  integral  part  of  the  urban
               innovation  and  technical  excellence  and  exciting,  viable  developments    fabric, while taking advantage of their
               to  the  projects we  deliver.  DSA  are  through  innovative  thought,  design  prominent location. Each  building is
               recognised  for  creating  unique,     proficiency and technical excellence.     individually crafted to respond to its
               exciting  and  timeless  architectural                                          environment  while  projecting  an                                    STEVE KELSHAW                                   ALEKSANDAR MILOJKOVIC
               experiences,  always with  a  sense  of  They understand the need to respect    image of quality and a sense of place.                                Managing Director - DSA Dubai                   Senior Associate - DSA Dubai
               place  relating  to  their  location  and  the environment and embrace green
               cultural tradition.                    and  sustainable  design  principles.    Many of these projects are elevated
                                                      They  offer  a  full  range  of  design   at the entrance level, allowing space
               DSA delivers signature projects from   services   from   master   planning      to  flow  freely  at  a  pedestrian  level.
               inception  to  final  handover  of  the  and  conceptual  design  through        The  ground  floors  are  treated  as  a
               completed project in the Middle East   to   detailed   documentation   of                public space and integrated into the
               region as well as other international  construction  ,  and  from  our  Middle   adjacent  open  piazzas  with  coffee
               destinations   embracing   client’s    East office, design management and         shops and outdoor areas in  which
               vision.                                lead consultancy.                        the  local  office  workers  and  nearby
                                                                                               residents can socialise.
               DSA   Architects  is  a  dynamic       DSA Architects  has  offices  in  Dubai
               international  architectural  practice,  (Middle East),  Johannesburg (Africa)   The  use  of  glass  and  high-quality
               with  a  passion  and  desire  for     and  Lisbon  (Europe),  and  has         natural materials, such as granite and
               excellence  in  architectural  design.  completed signature projects in more    marble,  enhance  the  ambience  of
               They  take  pride  in  their  ability  to   than  40  countries  in  Africa,  Asia,   quality,   permanence   and   the
               deliver  landmark  signature  projects.  Europe and South America.              permeability of the spaces.

                                                                                                                                                                     ESTELLE BESSON                                  SAHER SHAH
                                                                                                                                                                     Associate - DSA Dubai                           Associate - DSA Dubai

                                                                                                                                                                                                           Capital Hills - A Gated Community designed by DSA Architects International
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