Page 7 - Smart Life Vol-2 - OCT 2020
P. 7

SMART LIFE                                                                                SMART LIFE
 CAPITAL SMART CITY NEWS                                                                   CAPITAL SMART CITY NEWS



 When it  comes to  build your house, you   developers and asset management company   The town planning of Capital Smart City is
 choose the best of the best architect, interior   operating in Pakistan to develop new state of   carefully carried out to form a gridded
 designer, and construction organization.   the art smart cities with a focus not only to   network of roads to maximize e ciency
 Similarly, if you want to build a futuristic city   give luxury living but also incorporating an   and connectivity, creating a network of
 based on the concepts of eco-friendliness,   inclusive  culture  to  promote  vibrant  roads with a variety of possible routes to
 sustainability, luxury and minimalism, you   communities.  multiple destinations. A link to the north of
 naturally look towards the best in the field of   the city will serve as a bypass, carrying
 real estate developers. That’s why Future   Through strategic investments, innovative   planned commercial tra c around CSC.
 Developments Holdings (Pvt) Limited (FDH)   urban  planning  and  life  cycle  asset
 have taken it upon themselves the daunting   management,  FDH  creates  integrated  Public transport will be encouraged as a
 challenge of building the first smart city of   communities  that  embody international   primary  mode  for trips,  but will  coexist
 Pakistan  which  would  not  only  be  standards of sustainability with a strong   with private vehicles, which are expected
 self-sustainable in terms of energy and   commitment to quality.  to remain prevalent. Public transport is
 di erent utility services but also will set the   integrated with the land use plan to ensure
 precedence for future smart cities.    that public transport spines are aligned
                    with high density development corridors
 Capital Smart City near New Islamabad   and mixed-use development around public
 Airport (CSC) has been master-planned,   transport  stations  and  nodes  are
 designed  and  constructed  by  Future  promoted. This strategic network and
 Developments Holdings (Pvt) Limited (FDH),   infrastructure will made the overall
 which is one  o f th e leadin g re al estate   mobility e cient and accessible.
                                                                  A NATURAL

                                                                  WONDER OF

                                                                  GREEN SPACES

                                                                  The master plan of Capital Smart City
                                                                  integrates  the   existing  rich  natural
                                                                  topographies through  eco-spines and
                                                                  seamless recreational trails across the
                                                                  di erent neighborhoods. It also blends and
                                                                  upgrades the existing landscape and
                                                                  ecological value map to improve the urban
                                                                  environment by infusing a variety of parks
                                                                  and public open spaces. This diligent
                                                                  planning of natural resources also includes
                                                                  an 18-hole PGA Standard Signature Golf
                                                                  Course by Harradine Golf and adventure
                                                                  zone,  bringing  people  closer  to  social
                                                                  activities and nature. The overall purpose is
                                                                  to develop and sustain an eco-friendly city
                                                                  with zero carbon emissions and boundless
                                                                  green spaces.

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