Page 22 - MergedFile
P. 22                         We are Building A Smart Pakistan       

               Marking a signi cant  stride towards  ensuring an   NUST students recently explored the hub of innovation at   Embarking on Lahore Smart City's future journey
               uninterrupted and vibrant energy supply for Capital   Capital Smart City, aiming to observe  rsthand how their   deserves attention and celebration!
               Smart City, the agreement signing for the transfer of 20   academic  knowledge  seamlessly  intertwines  with  the   The recent event was a milestone, showcasing the
               Kanal land to IESCO marks a pivotal moment in our                                       inauguration of the stunning Sector A Mosque, a
               journey. This strategic move lays the foundation for the   framework of a more intelligent and sustainable tomorrow.  groundbreaking 0.5 MegaWatt Solar Power System, and
               construction of a state-of-the-art Grid  Station in                                     the introduction of the Smart Clinic.
               collaboration with IESCO.

                                                           In a momentous event at Accor O ce Dubai, we signed a
                                                           pivotal agreement with DPA Architectures for the Moven   Embarking on a regal journey at Rawalpindi Race Course
                                                           Pick Hotel in our Capital Smart City project.  This trip
               This groundbreaking partnership sets the stage for the   symbolizes a promise of prosperous, sophisticated, and   Club,  the  distinguished  Capital  Smart  City's  polo  team,
               creation of a state-of-the-art 7-a-side football facility,   creatively envisioned smart cities in Pakistan.  guided by the seasoned leadership of Brig. (R) Gohar
               equipped with FIFA-certi ed Astro Turf. As this project                                 Kamran, unfolded a tapestry of unparalleled prowess. A
               kicks o , it's a precursor to a series of initiatives,                                  triumph  t for kings, our team's performance on the polo
               demonstrating Capital Smart City's dedication to                                         eld was a spectacle of grace and dominance.
               elevating sports infrastructure in Pakistan.

                                                           It was truly heartwarming to witness the incredible
                                                           turnout of Overseas Pakistanis at the Smart Road Show   Memorable  Visit of Austrian Ambassador at Sleeping
                                                           '23 in Jeddah.
               The MoU signing for Adventure Arena signals the dawn   In association with Izmerk Realty, the event was a   Buddha Rocks!
               of a thrilling era in sports. This exciting venture will be a   spectacular display of sustainable living and innovative   We had the honor of welcoming H.E. Mrs. Andrea Wicke,
               top spot for adventure-seekers and people looking for   lifestyle options.              the Austrian Ambassador to Pakistan, for a remarkable
               memorable experiences.                                                                  visit to the historic Sleeping Buddha Rocks at Capital
               Get ready for an adventure like no other!                                               Smart City.
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