Page 22 - MergedFile
P. 22                         We are Building A Smart Pakistan       

         The inauguration of Happy Desk at Lake View Heights   Capital Smart City  celebrated the opening  of  its   Following the MOU signing, a Japanese delegation
         marks a significant milestone in our community's   first-ever dedicated interchange on the Lahore -   explored the Capital Smart City and Incubation Center.
         journey  towards  fostering  a  harmonious  and  Islamabad M2 Motorway, marking a significant     They delved into our advanced facilities and the
         productive environment.                          milestone.                                      upcoming Center of Excellence, poised to revolutionize
         This  new  facility,  dedicated  to  enhancing  the   Group  COO,  Mr.  Muhammad  Aslam,  showcased  our   tech innovation and global placements. Their visit
         well-being and efficiency of all residents, embodies the   achievements and provided insights into future master   underscored  our  dedication  to  cutting-edge
         values of collaboration and support.             plans  for  both  Capital  Smart  City  and  Lahore  Smart   advancements  and  fostering  international
                                                          City.                                           collaboration.

         The Initiative 2024 Dinner in Toronto was a      Qatar's Al Tameer Real Estate Project Company has   In a significant development, senior management
         phenomenal   gathering  of  over  200  overseas  signed an MoU with Capital Smart City for a mix-used   delegation from Capital Smart City was graciously
         participants,  fostering  vibrant  networking  and  development project, including a 5-star hotel, IT hub,   welcomed  by  the  Iranian  Ambassador,  marking  the
         collaboration.                                   and investment in various ventures.             commencement of discussions on promising  joint
         The event sparked numerous follow-up meetings with   This collaboration aims luxurious, state-of-the-art   ventures and mutual business development opportu-
         investors and developers, marking a significant step   facilities. Capital Smart City's commitment to   nities. The Ambassador lauded the visionary planning
         towards  a connected  future. The  evening was a   innovation and excellence aligns perfectly.   and execution of Capital Smart City, commending the
         resounding success!                                                                              remarkable efforts of its sister organizations in Iran.

         The inauguration of the M-tag: Motorway Interchange   At Capital Smart City, witness the football season's   The recent Eid Get Together at the CSC Site was a
         CSC signifies a major leap in enhancing connectivity   thrilling climax as top teams battle for glory on our   joyous event, highlighted by the visit of Higher
         and travel efficiency.                            hallowed turf. Experience the ultimate celebration of   Management  to  the  Happy  Desk  (Customer
         The M-tag system streamlines toll collection and   athleticism, strategy, and determination.     Facilitation Centre) at Lake View Heights.
         improves  the  travel  experience,  marking  our  Don’t miss the electrifying moment where champions   The management's presence underscored their
         commitment    to  innovation  and  community     rise!                                           appreciation for the team's hard work and dedication,
         well-being.                                                                                      while  also  emphasizing  our  commitment  to
                                                                                                          enhancing customer satisfaction and support.
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