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P. 5 We are Building A Smart Pakistan
like we have recently entered into an SUPPORT FOR STARTUPS AND highlight the country's diversity and richness
agreement with LALIGA in the venture of BUSINESSES while promoting responsible tourism and
providing football training academy. Q16: What benefits are offered for startups collaboration with local communities.
I also want to mention here that in Smart and businesses looking to set up in Silicon
Cities people don’t have to go out for the Village or the incubation center? DIFFERENTIATION OF MOVENPICK
adventure sports as we have everything in our A: We offer free space and subsidized rates for HOTEL
Adventure Arena right from para gliding to entrepreneurs during the first year of Q22: What sets Movenpick Hotel apart from
Air gliding we have all the facilities. operation, along with mentorship, skills other hospitality options, and how will it
development, and partnerships to support enhance the overall experience for residents
CONTRIBUTION IN TOURISM their growth and success. and visitors?
Q11: How will tourism contribute to the A: Movenpick Hotel distinguishes itself by
growth and promotion of Capital and Lahore IMPORTANCE OF MOTORWAY offering unparalleled luxury, comfort, and
Smart Cities? INTERCHANGE hospitality, providing exquisite dining
A: Tourism will drive economic growth, Q17: What importance and benefits does the options, world-class amenities, and
cultural exchange, and global goodwill by opening of direct access from the motorway personalized services that enhance the
showcasing Pakistan's beauty and diversity, to Capital Smart City offer for the future? overall experience for residents and visitors.
creating opportunities for local businesses, A: The opening of interchange motorway and
job creation, and infrastructure development. integration of other residential projects EVOLUTION OF VIRTUAL WORLD
enhance connectivity, accessibility, and SERVICES
ROLE OF VIRTUAL TECHNOLOGIES community collaboration, fostering Q23: How do you see Virtual World's services
Q12: How do virtual technologies shape the innovation, economic growth, and quality of evolving to meet the changing needs of a
future of urban living in Capital and Lahore life within the smart city. global audience?
Smart Cities? A: Virtual World leverages technology to
A: Virtual technologies enhance accessibility, EDUCATION IMPACT OF SMART STEM break geographical barriers and connect
efficiency, and convenience in various sectors, SYSTEM people globally, continuously innovating to
including education, healthcare, events, and Q18: How do you envision the impact of the provide solutions that enhance connectivity,
customer service, overcoming geographical Smart STEM Education System on Pakistan's efficiency, and convenience in various sectors,
barriers and creating inclusive, connected future workforce and economy? empowering individuals and organizations to
communities. thrive in an interconnected world.
A: The Smart STEM Education System aims to
cultivate a highly skilled workforce capable of
SILICONE VILLAGE'S ALIGNMENT driving innovation and competitiveness in ROLE OF SPORTS TOURISM IN
Q13: Can you elaborate on how the Silicone key sectors, laying the foundation for a CAPITAL SMART CITY
Village project aligns with the overall vision of knowledge-based economy that will fuel Q24: In the context of Sports Tourism, how
Capital Smart City? Pakistan's growth and prosperity in the long does Capital Smart City plan to leverage its
A: Silicone Village fosters technological term. facilities and events to attract visitors and
innovation and investment within Capital promote healthy lifestyles within the
Smart City by providing infrastructure and SELECTION PROCESS FOR community?
support services tailored to tech startups and A: Capital Smart City promotes sports tourism
companies, catalyzing economic growth and EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS and healthy lifestyles through its
prosperity. Q19: Could you provide insight into the
selection process for the locations of state-of-the-art facilities and exciting events,
MEASURES FOR INCLUSIVITY AND educational institutions within Capital Smart organizing sports tournaments, fitness
ACCESSIBILITY City and Lahore Smart City? challenges, and wellness programs to engage
Q14: What strategies are in place to promote A: The selection process considers factors like residents and visitors in physical activity and
inclusivity and accessibility within the accessibility, infrastructure availability, and encourage healthy habits.
projects and initiatives? alignment with the overall master plan,
A: We prioritize creating environments that working closely with educational SUSTAINABILITY MEASURES IN
are welcoming, inclusive, and accessible to stakeholders to create integrated campuses DEVELOPMENT
people of all backgrounds and abilities, that offer a conducive learning environment Q25: What measures are being taken to
incorporating universal design principles into and promote holistic development. ensure sustainability and environmental
infrastructure projects and engaging responsibility in the development of Capital
communities to understand and address ROLE OF SPECIALIZED HEALTHCARE Smart City and Lahore Smart City?
their needs. INSTITUTIONS A: Sustainability and environmental
Using Technology for the benefits, smart Q20: How do specialized institutions like the responsibility are prioritized in planning,
cities are secured by introducing card based Smart Institute of Rehabilitation Medicine fit construction, and operations, incorporating
entry which means only the residents and into the broader healthcare ecosystem of the green building designs, optimizing energy
their workers will be allowed to enter the city smart cities? and water usage, preserving natural habitats,
and premises, even the students will have the A: Specialized institutions enhance the and promoting eco-friendly transportation
special entry card making their presence healthcare ecosystem by addressing specific options to create smart cities that enhance
informed to the parents. needs and promoting wellness through quality of life while safeguarding the planet.
FUTURE GOALS BEYOND cutting-edge technology and best practices,
INITIATIVE-24 improving access to healthcare and CONCLUSION:
Q15: What long-term goals and aspirations do enhancing the overall quality of life for In conclusion, Mr. Malik Aslam's
you have for the continued development and residents. insights provide a compelling glimpse
success of Capital and Lahore Smart Cities? into the transformative journey of
A: Our long-term goals include creating CONTRIBUTION OF ANFAL HOLIDAYS
sustainable, resilient, and vibrant TO TOURISM Capital and Lahore Smart Cities under
communities that thrive in the digital age, Q21: How will Anfal Holidays contribute to Initiative-24. With visionary leadership,
fostering innovation, economic positioning Pakistan as a desirable tourism strategic planning, and collaborative
diversification, and environmental destination, and what unique experiences can partnerships, these cities are poised to
stewardship, and positioning both cities as travelers expect? redefine urban living, drive economic
premier destinations for living, working, and A: Anfal Holidays showcases Pakistan's beauty growth, and inspire innovation for
investing. You would be happy to know that and hospitality through comprehensive travel generations to come.
we are on the voyage to bring more Smart packages and personalized services, offering
Cities too. travelers unforgettable experiences that