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P. 10                         We are Building A Smart Pakistan       

             B. LAHORE SMART CITY                                C. ROYAL ORCHARD

                   (1)  Smart Medical Clinic
                                                           (1)  Smart Medical Clinic
                    (2)  Smart City Hospital
                                                           (2)  Teaching Hospital
                   (3)  Smart Rehab Centre
                                                           (3)  Medical College
                     (4)  Medical College
                                                           (4)  Smart Rehabilitation Centre
                                                                 D. ROYAL ORCHARD

                                                            1. Smart Medical Clinic
                                                            2. Smart City Hospital (100 Beds)

                                                                 E. ROYAL ORCHARD

                                                            1. Smart Medical Clinic
                                                            2. Smart City Hospital (50 Beds)




        1. CAPITAL SMART CITY IS                         2024, with 60 polo ponies and a tournament.      C. AIR ADVENTURE:
        EMPHASIZING SPORTS AND                           D. SHOOTING ARENA:                               Developing facilities for air adventure
        ADVENTURE, PROVIDING                             Developing a classic shooting range,             activities like paragliding, skydiving, and hot
        ACCESSIBLE OPPORTUNITIES FOR                     meeting international standards, with skeet      air ballooning.
        ALL MEMBERS, RESIDENTS, AND                      shooting, Rifle shooting, Pistol shooting, and    D. MOUNTAINEERING AND
        VISITORS OF ALL AGE GROUPS. OUR                  50-meter shooting range. Partially ready by      TRACKING:
        GOAL IS TO ENSURE THAT THEY                      E. ADVENTURE ARENA:                              Establishing mountaineering and tracking
        DON'T NEED TO GO ELSEWHERE FOR                   Creating an adventure arena with zip-lining,     trails, providing opportunities to explore
                                                                                                          nature and challenge physical limits.
        ENTERTAINMENT, SPORTS, AND                       Dirt bike, sky cycle, sky cart, suspension       E. CRICKET AND FOOTBALL
        ADVENTURE. OUR CITIES WILL                       bridge, paint ball, roller coaster, kids play    ACADEMIES:
        BLEND ADVENTURE, SPORTS,                         area, and more. Functional by mid-2024.          Exploring childhood aptitude and virtual
        INNOVATION, AND EXCELLENCE.                      1. UPCOMING FACILITIES                           management.
                                                         (BY 2024 OR MID-2025):                           F. CYCLING:
        2. ACHIEVEMENTS SO FAR:                                                                           Starting a healthy cycling activity in a healthy

                                                         A. WATER SPORTS: Establishing facilities         atmosphere.
        A. CRICKET: Developed a PCB standard             for water sports like para sailing, speed        G. MARATHON:
        Cricket ground with cutting-edge facilities,     boating, fishing, wind surfing, sailing,           Starting with a 10 km long Marathon in the
        ready for 1st class matches. First tournament    boating, and more.                               second half of 2024.
        in Apr 2024.                                     B. INDOOR ARENA:
        B. FOOTBALL:                                                                                      Our goal is to create an environment where
        * State-of-the-art football ground, ready by     •   Constructing a versatile indoor arena for    every resident can find their passion,
        1st half 2024.                                      various sports, with indoor swimming          challenge their limits, and celebrate victories.
        * First tournament in Sep 2024, meeting FIFA        pools, Tennis courts, Badminton courts,       Let's make 2024 a year where adventure and
        standards.                                          Squash courts, Bowling, Sauna baths,          sports unite to create lasting memories and
        C. POLO:                                            Steam baths, and more.                        build a legacy of excellence. Get ready for an
                                                                                                          exciting journey! Adventure awaits.
        Establishing a polo ground, ready by End         •   Construction starts in July/August 2024.
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