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P. 11                         We are Building A Smart Pakistan       

        Anfal Holidays: A                                A TASTE OF PAKISTANI HOSPITALITY  INVITING SPORTS ADVENTURE:

                                                         AND CULTURE:
                                                                                                          Where Thrill Meets Nature's
        Thrilling Tourism                                Our  commitment  to  promoting  Pakistan's  Playground
                                                                                                          Calling  all  adventurers!  Dive  into  the
                                                         culture is at the heart of Anfal Holidays. Each
                                                                                                          heart-pounding  excitement  of  South  Asian
                                                         itinerary  is  carefully  crafted  to  immerse
                                                         travelers  in  local  traditions,  from  attending   games, champion trophy events, river rafting,
        Venture by Capital                               colorful  festivals  to  meeting  artisans  and   paragliding,  ice  climbing,  rock  climbing,
                                                         savoring  authentic  cuisine.  We  aim  to
                                                                                                          hiking,  trekking,  and  ice  hockey  in  Pakistan.
                                                         showcase  Pakistan's  rich  heritage  while      Anfal   Holidays   invites   thrill-seekers   to
        Smart City                                       supporting local communities and preserving      discover  the  exhilaration  of  sports  and
                                                         cultural legacies.
                                                                                                          adventure against the backdrop of Pakistan's
                                                                                                          stunning landscapes.
                                                         SERVICES AT YOUR DISPOSAL:
                                                         At Anfal Holidays, each service is crafted with
                                                         passion, dedication, and a deep commitment
                                                         to  creating  extraordinary  experiences.  Your
                                                         journey  is  our  canvas,  let  us  paint  it  with
                                                         wonder,    adventure,    and    unforgettable

                                                         TAILORED TRAVEL SERVICES: Your
                                                         Pathway to the Breathtaking North
                                                         Embarking  on  a  journey  towards  the
                                                         breathtaking northern areas  of Pakistan,
                                                         where  the  mighty  Himalayas  beckon  with
                                                         their  majestic  allure.  Anfal  Holidays'  tailored
        In the heart of Pakistan's visionary landscape   travel  services  are  your  passport  to  discover
        lies  Capital  Smart  City,  where  innovation   this  natural  wonderland.  Whether  you  seek
        meets  inspiration.  Here,  we  don't  just  build   the thrill of high-altitude trekking or the
        cities; we create experiences that enrich lives.   serenity of remote valleys, every detail of your
        And  now,  we're  thrilled  to  unveil  our  latest   expedition  is  meticulously  curated  to  make   Anfal Holidays celebrates the spirit of female
        endeavor:  Anfal  Holidays,  a  pioneering       every moment unforgettable.                      empowerment  through  tailored  femme
        tourism  venture  designed  to  showcase                                                          tourism  packages.  Join  us  for  unique  travel
        Pakistan's   natural   beauty   and    hidden                                                     experiences  that  inspire  exploration,  foster
        treasures to the world.                                                                           connection,  and  create  shared  memories.
                                                                                                          Whether  it's  a  girls'  getaway  or  a  solo
        THE RISE OF FOREIGN TOURISM!                                                                      expedition, embark on a journey where every
        In  recent  years,  Pakistan  has  emerged  as  a                                                 step is a celebration of womanhood.
        vibrant and sought-after destination for
        travelers from around the globe and the                                                           SKIP-GENERATION: Creating
        tourism  industry  in  Pakistan  is  experiencing                                                 Meaningful Connections Across
        remarkable  growth,  with  an  increasing                                                         Generations
        number  of  foreign  visitors  exploring  its                                                     Experience  the  heartwarming  trend  of
        natural wonders and historical landmarks. In                                                      skip-generation  travel,  where  grandparents
        2024,  the  country's  tourism  sector  is  poised                                                and  grandchildren  embark  on  nostalgic
        for further expansion, driven by investments                                                      journeys  together.  Choose  destinations  with
        in    infrastructure,   improved      security                                                    sentimental     value,     forging     deeper
        measures,  and  a  growing  interest  in                                                          connections     and     creating    cherished
        sustainable travel experiences.                                                                   memories that bridge generations.

        WHY ANFAL HOLIDAYS?                                                                               DISCOVER AFFORDABLE
        At Capital Smart City, our mission has always                                                     HEALTHCARE: Combining Medical
        been    to   enhance    lives   and   connect                                                     Treatment with Exploration
        communities. Anfal Holidays is our response  ELEVATING HOSPITALITY:                               For international visitors seeking world-class
        to  the  growing  demand  for  authentic  travel  Where Comfort Meets Dedication                  healthcare  at  affordable  costs,  consider
        experiences that celebrate Pakistan's diverse  Hospitality  is  more  than  just  service—it's  a   Pakistan with Anfal Holidays' medical tourism
        culture,  heritage,  and  natural  beauty.  We  commitment  to  ensuring  your  comfort  and      offerings.  Combine  medical  treatment  with
        believe in the transformative power of travel,  well-being  throughout  your  stay.  At  Anfal    exploration,  discovering  the  beauty  of  our
        and  Anfal  Holidays  is  our  invitation  to  Holidays, our unmatched hospitality services       country while prioritizing your well-being.
        rediscover Pakistan through a lens of wonder  redefine         luxury.    From       welcoming
        and exploration.                                 accommodations  nestled  amidst  scenic          WHY CHOOSE US?
                                                         vistas  to   personalized    attention    that   Our     achievements      speak      volumes-
        THE SCOPE OF ANFAL HOLIDAYS:                     anticipates  your  every  need,  indulge  in  an   establishing  a  strong  presence  in  the  UK
        Imagine waking up to the breathtaking vistas  experience where every stay feels like coming       market and developing the prestigious Offto
        of Hunza, where towering mountains reflect  home.                                                  Lakeview    Hotel    in   Islamabad.    These
        in  crystal-clear  lakes,  and  the  air  is  infused                                             milestones     reflect     our     unwavering
        with  the  essence  of  ancient  cultures.  Anfal  CORPORATE TRAVEL REDEFINED:                    commitment to excellence and innovation in
        Holidays    transforms    these   enchanting     Efficiency with a Touch of Luxury                 the tourism industry.
        landscapes  into  unforgettable  experiences,    For  the  discerning  business  traveler,  Anfal
        offering tailored travel services that promise   Holidays  elevates  corporate  travel  into  an   THE FUTURE OF TRAVEL:
        to capture hearts and ignite wanderlust. From    experience  of  efficiency  and  elegance.        As we look ahead, Anfal Holidays envisions a
                                                                                                          future  where  Pakistan's  beauty  is  accessible
        the bustling streets of Lahore to the serene     Combine  business  with  pleasure  as  you       to  all,  where  partnerships  bloom  on  an
        valleys  of  Gilgit-Baltistan,  every  destination   seamlessly  navigate    meetings      and    international  scale,  and  where  responsible
        beckon  with  promises  of  adventure  and       conferences in style. Let us orchestrate your    tourism  is  the  cornerstone  of  our  legacy,
        cultural immersion.                              itinerary,  allowing  you  to  focus  on  your
                                                         objectives while we take care of the rest.       where your story becomes our destination.
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