Page 15 - MergedFile
P. 15                         We are Building A Smart Pakistan       

                                                                           Continuing with the same Primary strategy employed in the One Capital
                                                                           project, we once again draw upon the strokes of Eduardo Chillida for the
                                                                           inception  of  the  idea.  However,  we  strive  to  salvage  elements  or  ideas
                                                                           from the rich history of the city of Lahore. This fusion of artistic inspiration
                                                                           and  historical  context  aims  to  imbue  the  project  with  depth  and
                                                                           resonance,  honoring  both  contemporary  artistic  influences  and  the
                                                                           enduring legacy of Lahore.

              the Pavilion aerial view of the

      Masterplan inspired in Chillida works.

                                                              With more than 650 residences in several towers of 13 floors.
                                                              From Studio Apartments, 1, 2 and 3  bed Apartments until 1,2 and 4
                                                              bed Duplex, a Business Hotel with more than 280 rooms, around
                                                              180 serviced offices and an oustanding Shopping complex in a
                                                              Podium that connects all the towers.
                                                              Sustainable and e cent in the materials, the use of the energy and the recycling
                                                              strategy. General layout with functions

                                                         the  Chahan  reservoir.    We  immediately       The Rock will provide a state-of-the-art interior
                                                         recognized  our  role  as  a  custodian  of  the   rock  climbing,  abseiling  and  adrenalin  park
                                                         wonderful  natural  attributes  of  the  site,  while   housed within a landmark building draped over
                                                         also  enabling  visitors  to  access  and  enjoy  all   the  valley  edge.  Inspired  by  the  distinctive
                                                         that  it  has  to  offer.  It’s  a  question  of  balance   geological  formations  found  on  the  site,  The
                                                         between nature and human activity; we need       Rock  is  not  just  a  centre  for  activity,  but  a
                                                         to   understand    the   site’s   capacity   for   landmark which will draw visitors in from the
                                                         development and that can only be assessed by     adjacent  La  Mer  district.  Foodies  are  likewise
                                                         site visits”                                     well  catered  for  at  the  Adventure  Park,  with
                                                                                                          three food outlets on site. For a rustic ‘back to
        Desert INK                                       The  desert  INK  team  spent  several  days     nature’ BBQ vibe, visitors will be at home in the
        A.ENDORSEMENT LEADER                             exploring and mapping the site on foot before    Nature Valley Grill, while families can gather for
          Duncan Denley                                  forming  a  vision  for  the  site.  Appropriate   food and drinks at The Lookout, boasting
          Manager Director                               activities  such  as  cycling,  zip  wires  and  horse   spectacular  views  over  the  surrounding
          Desert INK                                     riding will be carefully integrated into the park,   activities. Those enjoying a day at The Rock can
          201a, Building 4 - Dubai Design District       while  an  extensive  children’s  adventure      enjoy  quick  bites  at  the  Adrenalin  Café  after
          Dubai - United Arab Emirates                   playground will surely be a hotspot for families.   conquering the thrills of the park. For those less
                             Nature  lovers  will  enjoy  birdwatching  and   inclined  towards  adventure  sports,  the  Park
                                                         fishing,  while  those  seeking  an  overnight    contains hiking routes, horse riding and picnic
               Capital Smart City (C.S.C.)are delighted   experience can book a glamping experience in    grounds as well as an arts and crafts centre.
        to   announce    that   the    award-winning,    Nature  Valley.  “Our  first  exploration  of  Nature
        Dubai-based  Landscape  Architecture  practice   Valley  with  the  C.S.C.  team  was  really
        desert  INK  has  been  appointed  to  design    eye-opening”    enthuses    Denley,   “it’s   a
        C.S.C.’s flagship Adventure Park. Internationally   wonderfully peaceful natural valley surrounded
        renowned  for  their  innovative  thinking  and   by  cliffs  and  teeming  with  wildlife,  yet  sits
        context-driven  landscape  designs,  the  desert   within  a  stone’s  throw  of  one  of  C.S.C.’s  most
        INK team jumped at the chance to bring their     appealing  developments,  La  Mer.  It  needs  a
        expertise  to  Pakistan  and  are  currently     very light touch. We will enable visitors to enjoy
        engaged in conceptualizing this one-of-a-kind    the  valley  while  enhancing  its  character  with
        park  which  fuses  nature  with  adventure.     some  simple  amenities  which  preserve  the
        Founder and Managing Director of desert INK,     essence of the place. The Nature Valley will be a
        Duncan Denley was delighted to expand upon       place  to  escape  and  unwind  and  enjoy  the
        this  exciting  opportunity;    “While  desert  INK   simple  things  in  life.  A  campfire,  a  barbeque
        have delivered projects in Pakistan before, our   and  some  good  company  in  this  wonderful
        first visit to C.S.C. made us keenly aware that   natural setting will be a magical experience”.
        this site is special. We were drawn to the valleys        When the climate makes outdoor adventures
        and plateaus and the spectacular views over      challenging, visitors need not be concerned.
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