Page 18 - MergedFile
P. 18                         We are Building A Smart Pakistan       

        GOLF CLUB                                        major    events,   ensuring     privacy   and    amenities and activities to cater to the needs
        The  Golf  Club  is  an  iconic  building  in  the  convenience for all guests.                   of all guests. With separate male and female
        community  with  its  contemporary  style  and  The  administration  offices  and  cart  store  at   gyms,  locker  rooms,  and  hydro  spas,
        large  outdoor  spaces,  designed  to  optimise  the golf club are essential components of the    members  can  enjoy  their  workouts  in  a
        the  stunning  golf  views  surrounding  it.  The  facility, providing a hub for all operations and   comfortable  and  private  environment.  The
        architecture  ensures  that  all  areas  have  a  services.  Located  under  the  club  house,  the   club  also  boasts  two  squash  courts,  a  table
        spacious  feel  while  maintaining  a  sense  of  cart  store  houses  80  golf  carts,  2  beverage   tennis room, and a cinema with 200 seating
        human  scale.  Large,  shaded  zones  are  carts,  and  a  transport  vehicle  for  members'      capacity for entertainment purposes.
        provided  throughout  the  external  areas,  convenience, as well as rental and member’s
        allowing for comfort and relaxation.             club storage.                                    For families with children, there is a dedicated
        The combination of the Golf Club and Leisure  The  general  storage  area  and  maintenance       kids club as well as a library and game room
        Club under an iconic roof structure creates a  zone  ensure  that  equipment  is  properly        for quiet relaxation. Outdoor pools for adults
        unique  and  cohesive  space  for  members  to  stored and maintained to keep the course in       and  children  provide  the  perfect  setting  for
        enjoy.  The  linked  basement  connected  to  a  top condition. The wash down area allows for     fun  in  the  sun,  while  indoor  pools  offer
        common  service  yard/delivery  zone  ensures  easy  cleaning  of  carts  and  equipment  after   year-round  swimming  opportunities.  With
        efficient operations behind the scenes.           use.                                             three  tennis  courts  available  for  use,
        The design caters to the needs of all members  The  design  of  a  golf  academy  is  crucial  in   members can stay active while enjoying the
        and staff. An ample car parking is provided, as  providing an optimal learning environment        fresh air.
        well  as  additional  slots  for  corporate  golf  for  students.  The  building  is  strategically   The  F&B  offerings  at  the  golf  club  are  truly
        events.                                          connected to the driving range and practice      exceptional,  catering  to  every  member's
        A  drop-off  area  with  concierge/valet  desk  area to ensure easy access for participants. It   dining  needs.  The  all-day  restaurant,  boasts
        assistance  and  bag  drop  ensures  a  smooth  includes     key     areas    such     as     a   150  indoor  seating  and  100  outdoor  seating,
        arrival experience for guests. An open-to-sky  reception/lounge/retail  area,  office  space,      perfect  for  enjoying  a  meal  after  a  round  of
        arrival  with  views  over  the  golf  course  and  storage facilities, hitting bays, toilets/lockers,   golf. For those seeking a more upscale dining
        canyon  sets  the  tone  for  a  memorable  stay.  and a gym.                                     experience,  the  fine  dining  restaurant  offers
        The  pro  shop  is  well-equipped  with  an  Golf  comfort  stations  are  also  available  as  a   100  to  150  indoor  seating  and  100  outdoor
        adjacent  external  cart  staging  area  to  stand-alone  building  strategically  spread         seating. The bar lounge provides a cozy spot
        accommodate 30 to 60 carts in double rows.  across  the  course,  allowing  players  easy         for members to relax with 50 indoor seating.
        Additionally, a rack for up to 40 golf bags and  access to restroom facilities no matter where    At  the  leisure  club,  members  can  enjoy  a
        a small computer booth station are essential  they are on the links. With separate areas for      variety  of  culinary  experiences.  The  coffee
        for seamless operations.                         both men and women, the comfort stations         shop restaurant offers 150 indoor seating for
        The general manager's office will be located  ensure that all golfers have their needs met.        casual gatherings. The barbecue restaurant is
        near the pro shop with views out to the starter  The spacious servery and storage area allow      perfect  for  larger  groups,  with  200  indoor
        area.  Male  and  female  lockers,  joined  by  a  for  a  variety  of  F&B  items  to  be  offered,   seating and three outdoor seating areas of 150
        double-locked  sound  buffer  door,  can  be  catering to the tastes of all players.              outdoor seating each.
        combined into one large locker room for          The Leisure Club offers a wide range of
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